Personal support
A happy, healthy and meaningful life is largely in your own hands, but we often do not see that. Today's society demands a lot from us and ensures that we are often largely lived. You are lived by responding to expectations of environment and family. I have to do this, I have to do that. Which of these rules are really yours?
If you have no idea of who you are and what you would like to do with your life, what do you actually live on? Ask yourself that. There is a good chance that you are stuck because of this, or have the feeling that you are not realizing your own potential: and I wish you that so much! Within Field of Faith we will give your life and development attention again, so that you can take control to live the life you deeply desire. We will tackle barriers and challenges. I support and stimulate you in this process through a coaching pact, possibly supported with energy work if that suits you. Read more about these two here.